The Peace Seekers of Washington County

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Two Lectures on the future of Palestine

Hear two leading Palestinian-American scholars discuss the possible benefits and downsides of these much-debated proposals for how a post-crisis Israel/Palestine might look. Both events are being held in the UW-Milwaukee union, located at 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd., and are free and open to the public.

Ali Abunimah is speaking in the UWM Union Room 191 on Wed. Nov, 24 at 7pm

Hussein Ibish is speaking in the UWM Union in the Ballroom on Tuesday December 14 at 7pm

Vigil to Close the School of the Americas

There will be a vigil to close the School of the Americas in Milwaukee on Sunday, Nov. 21 from l2:00-3:00 pm at St.Benedict the Moor at 1015 N. 9th which is right across from the jail on State Street. Parking is available in the church parking lot......come as long as you can....we will pray and sing in solidarity with those participating in the solemn prayer vigil outside the gates of Ft. Benning, as well as, with our brothers and sisters in vigil in Latin America.

If you want more info or perhaps a ride to the vigil, give Tom Haebig a call at 334-3179.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


We have reserved the Cedar Ridge Club Room and Bistro area (first floor) for the party on Sunday, December 12th from 2:30 to 6 pm. Bring a dish to pass and some music to share. Staying on message-- the message of peace -- will be the theme.
Bring a friend or two.

Christmas parades in Hartford and West Bend.

We are planning on having floats in both the Hartford (theme is "Christmas: Past, Present and Future") and West Bend (theme is "Twas the Night Before Christmas") Christmas parades. Our thrust in both will be similar: "Peace on Earth" throughout our world with representatives from different countries (Peace Seekers wearing international outfits - we have a variety & some participants will actually be from other countries or have their own representative clothing).

What we need is some of you participating by either riding in the trailer or walking a relatively short distance. The Hartford parade will start at 3 pm, Saturday, November 13 (we'll gather at 2:30 pm). The West Bend parade will start at 5 pm, Sunday, November 28 (we'll gather at 4:30 pm). Details for both will follow for those participating. NOTE: kids are cordially invited to participate.