The Peace Seekers of Washington County

Monday, September 03, 2012


Sunday, September 23, 2012
2:00 PM-4:00PM
West Bend

We’re marching to make a joyous noise 
and show our desire for peace.

Starting point: West Bend Public Library
Destination: Regner Park

Groups, individuals, musicians and all peace loving folk, 
families and singles are invited to march along. 
Walking units and motorized are welcome. 

Staging area and time: 1:00 PM at the 
West Bend Public Library.

Light refreshments will be served
 at Regner Park.

Transportation back to the staging area 
will be available.

Call Tom Haebig for more informtation:


United Nations International Day of Peace
When: Friday, September 21 at 5:30 PM.
Where: The Peace Pole in Regner Park. Please bring a chair or blanket.
There will be special speakers, music singing and prayers.
Who: For all Peace Seekers and interested public.
For further information call 262-334-2234.